SIMM at Work
A fundamental rule in technology says that whatever can be done will be done. – Andy Grove, Intel
The Instant Challenge
If a person looking for your company, its products, or its services cannot find you in a search system, via queries on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, or a search system like DuckDuckGo--do you exist?
I think the answer is likely to be, "Probably not."
The solution is to obtain a source of fresh, original content about your firm's products and services. You want that content to make your ideas and business values vivid, alive.
How can you achieve this goal? If you have deep pockets for marketing, you can do what centuries of merchants have done:
- You can advertise online, which today means Google, Microsoft, or an advertising network which often boils down to Google. To make online advertising pay off, you need to spend money, often thousands on key words in the hopes that one or two percent of the users actually click on your ad. Of course, a software script could click the ad or a clumsy computer user could click. Either way, you pay.
- You can run ads in print magazines. But the costs and the declining circulation make this a very expensive proposition. Some publishers offer deals for controlled circulation publications. I don't know about you, but I get fewer and fewer general interest publications, newspapers, and trade magazine.
- You can approach a Web site owner and buy an ad. That takes time and often may not provide you with metrics so you can determine what your money actually delivered.
- Commercial radio and television. Expensive and unless you have access to professional production resources, the overhead associated with keeping the ad afloat can consume tens of thousands of dollars in a very small amount of time.
- There are door knob hanging companies. These outfits will put your product or message in a plastic bag and put the bag on door knobs of houses in a zip code you specify. Expensive and I have watched kids follow along, taking the bags and their goodies before the home owner knew they were there.
In short, every traditional method of marketing is available, but each comes with a cost that is becoming onerous even for large organizations.
What about a blog?
The blog is a great idea, but most organizations cannot generate a consistent flow of content that garners readership or even indexing by some of the search systems. A blog by itself won't make sales.
Now you know the instant challenge. You have to make sales now. You have to get market attention now. You have to get into the Google index now. You have to be picked up by other electronic sources now. Instant and now are not what traditional marketing do very well.
ArnoldIT Can Help
The SIMM method makes it possible for you to use electronic content to achieve your sales and marketing objectives.
The writers for ArnoldIT.com's successful Beyond Search blog can generate original content for you or your firm's Web site, blog, Twitter tweets, or Facebook page. The information is of high value, imparts a message, and focuses on topics that are directly related to your products, services, and business objectives.
We can package the electronic content for as ready-to-post stories. You just open the file and paste the content and links into your Web page or blog. We charge by the story with most original articles costing from $10 to $20. You own the rights to the content, so you can put your name on the article as its author.
We can set up a blog, register it in your name, and publish on a daily basis three to five original articles. These articles show you or a designated colleague as the author. The links in the blog stories point to online sources and to pages on your Web site.
We can disseminate the original content in a newsfeed or prepare individual news releases and issue them to the market you specify. We can also set up postings from stories that go to a Facebook page focused on your business needs. We can even arrange for you to send out "tweets" to Twitter users when new content becomes available.
In short, you can outsource to the Beyond Search team your content needs. You get the benefit that accrues to the author of original, fresh, high impact, current content.
But you don't have to edit the content or get involved in the content production process. You rely on the "content wranglers" at Beyond Search and the independent writers we use to create stories to deliver the message you want.
Who Buys Content from ArnoldIT and Beyond Search?
Some of our customers include:
- Access Innovations. http://www.taxodiary.com
- IGear Online. http://www.redefiningmonitoring.com
- Information World Review. http://www.iwr.co.uk
- Informed Market Intelligence. http://www.informedmarketintelligence.com/
- Information Today. http://www.infotoday.com
- KMWorld. http://www.kmworld.com
- The Seed 2020. http://www.theseed2020.com
- Smart Business Network. http://www.sbnonline.com.
And many others whose requests for confidentiality were honored.
The reason is simple. High-value content and innovative distribution methods deliver results.
Instead of relying on old-fashioned, expensive outbound marketing, shift to the SIMM approach – Strategic Inbound Marketing Method.
Customers find you. If you are not using the SIMM, your competitors will. Put them at a disadvantage and enhance your sales, marketing, and branding efforts with SIMM.
Contact us now for a no-cost consultation and a custom price quotation. Send your inquiries to tessarnold@rocketmail.com.
Learn more about SIMM at these links:
- SIMM Overview
- Examples of SIMM in action
- The components of a SIMM program
- Putting SIMM to work
The SIMM method is the property of Stephen E Arnold and ArnoldIT.com.