The SIMM Components
We market in the age of interdependence. Borders don't count for much anymore. – Based on an original statement by William Jefferson Clinton.
The Foundation
SIMM begins with an original content stream tailored to the specific goals of the client. A content stream consists of a series of original articles and features on a specific subject. The content is the foundation of the SIMM. In fact, the method for creating content involves both proprietary software and a business method developed by Stephen E Arnold.
You can see examples of content streams in the sample Web logs. For the purpose of this discussion, you may want to take a look at an ArnoldIT.com information service called TheSeed2020. You can find this service via Google by typing "Seed2020" and running a query. Like other ArnoldIT.com terms and concepts promoted via SIMM, Google displays the link we want usually at the top of a results list.
Note that the Seed2020 focuses on women and minority small business. The Seed2020 program is an information service, a series of meet ups, original content, and basic information about the people involved. Each of these types of content falls under the umbrella of a SIMM.
The building blocks for the SIMM foundation are a content stream, RSS, Twitter and Facebook distribution, and promotion in the Beyond Search blog.
This diagram shows the basic building blocks of the SIMM method. The content is distributed via RSS, disseminated on Twitter and Facebook, and promoted in the top-rated Beyond Search Web log.
Once the content foundation and basic distribution mechanism are in place, clients have the option to add additional, next-generation marketing solutions. The diagram below shows that each function makes possible additional next-generation marketing actions. Unlike traditional marketing methods, the SIMM approach triggers a form of "magnetism" that pulls traffic, sales leads, and attention to the core service and the content objects in the stream.
As the content flows and additional information objects are pushed into the SIMM foundation, a multi-dimensional content structure emerges. The use of social media and traditional Web indexes combine to give the content and its links significant impact. The "magnetic" effect of the SIMM method pulls attention to the ArnoldIT.com client.
Aftre a period of 60 to 90 days, ArnoldIT.com makes available these types of SIMM options:
- Rich media. These include audio and video programs. You can see examples of rich media at http://arnoldit.com/media/
- Meet ups. You can see a video about a meet up run by the ArnoldIT.com and view the supporting materials and information about other ArnoldIT.com meet ups at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYJAsn1A7wY or click this link.
- Special, customized interviews with key executives from a client firm or from a thought leader talking about an ArnoldIT.com client's products. You can see examples of these interview at the Search Wizards Speak content page or at this link for special interviews conducted for SIMM clients.
- Custom landing pages so clients can determine which content object or description generates specific interest. For a custom landing page example click here.
- HTML newsletters. You can have ArnoldIT.com repurpose the content for an HTML newsletter for a client mailing list or for other email recipients. HTML newsletters feature custom landing pages so clients know who clicked on what item. The landing page features links to the client's Web site .
- Electronic news releases. ArnoldIT.com through its public relations subsidiary can distribute news releases nationally and internationally. Other public relations services are available to ArnoldIT.com clients.
- White papers. ArnoldIT.com's professional and technical writers can work with a client to prepare a document that explains a particular product and service.
- Next-generation strategic counsel. ArnoldIT.com's team of professionals is available to consult with clients on business, technical, financial, and social issues.
One feature of the SIMM method is that ArnoldIT.com can build and operate the foundational content flow. Other tasks can be handled directly by the client, third parties, or shared efforts are possible.
Learn more about SIMM at these links:
- SIMM Overview
- Examples of SIMM in action
- The components of a SIMM program
- Putting SIMM to work
The SIMM method is the property of Stephen E Arnold and ArnoldIT.com.