Hating SharePoint Less by Achieving More
November 28, 2013
While SharePoint is arguably one of the most widely adopted pieces of software to ever exist, it is also arguably responsible for the most pain and suffering. It is a dramatic irony. Information Week acknowledges and tackles the issue in their article, “Microsoft SharePoint: 7 Ways To Achieve More.”
The article begins:
“Among major enterprise technology products, Microsoft’s SharePoint is something of a Catch 22. On one hand, surveys routinely conclude that around 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies use the platform. But despite widespread adoption, surveys also find a lot of dissatisfaction; according to two Forrester reports released last month, between 50 percent and 60 percent of SharePoint users dislike it. This dissonance is striking.”
The article goes on to list several ways to make SharePoint more usable and less frustrating. However, there are organizations that are giving up on SharePoint and looking elsewhere. Stephen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT.com has covered the world of enterprise search for decades. Lately his attention has turned to SharePoint add-ons and alternatives. Keep an eye on his SharePoint information stream to keep up with the latest.
Emily Rae Aldridge, November 28, 2013