BigTable or BigFable?

April 5, 2008

From the “Possible Department”–TechCrunch reported on April 4, 2008, that Google may be poised to release a BigTable service. Mark Hendrickson wrote:

Google may be releasing BigTable, its internal database system, as a web service to compete with Amazon SimpleDB, according to a source with knowledge of the launch. There are also rumors that press is being pre-briefed on the product, although we [TechCrunchers] haven’t been contacted by Google.

If true, Amazon’s various Web services may face some competition. Google has cloud-based technology that Amazon has been able to roll out unchallenged. The BigTable technology is discussed in some detail in The Google Legacy (Infonortics, 2005) and the Google Version 2.0 (Infornortics, 2007).

Amazon’s Web services have been funded from a relatively modest information technology budget. Some service glitches underscore that Amazon’s engineering might need more investment. Google, on the other hand, has funneled billions into its research and engineering. Significant portions of that investment has made it possible for Google to address certain technical methods in interesting new ways.

Whether true or false, the TechCrunch article fires a shot across the Bezos bow. The Google may be aiming its fleet of data centers at the world’s biggest bookstore. Stay tuned. The Beyond Search goose will be monitoring this rumor channel.

Stephen Arnold, April 5, 2008



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