Business Intelligence on the Upswing

November 12, 2008

Enterprise Systems published Stephen Swoyer’s “Search and Text Analysis Lead BI Push” on November 12, 2008. The article is quite useful. Mr. Swoyer extracts some interesting data about a surge in business intelligence. His provides a snapshot of IDC’s latest study on the topic and provides links to a useful article about analytics in general. You can read the full text of his write up here. For me the most interesting comment in the article is a quote from Sue Feldman, IDC’s research vice president. Ms Feldman told Mr. Swoyer:

“Although this market has continued its rapid growth in the first half of 2008, economic indicators for IT spending are bleak,” she comments. “IDC expects slower growth in all markets, including search and discovery software,” Feldman continues. “Although these external factors will impinge on what is a fast growing market, IDC still predicts 17 percent growth for search and discovery software in 2008 and 12.9 percent growth for 2009. This is down from the 28 percent growth we saw in 2007, but certainly a healthy increase. With the economy so volatile, this could change if economic conditions worsen.”

With plain vanilla search ubiquitous, the interest in business intelligence underscores the need for solutions oriented information access. The challenge will be for vendors to package their software and systems to deliver. In choppy economic seas, marketing assurances have to be backed with pay offs the clients can verify.

Stephen Arnold, November 12, 2008


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