Google Alert Change

December 14, 2008

My Google Alert changed today. I get an alert for the phrase “enterprise search.” Yesterday I received text only. Today I received text and embedded pictures. Here’s a screenshot of my improved Google Alert. I prefer text in alerts because the BlackBerry I have does a lousy job with html mail.

alert with pix

Has anyone else noticed this change? Am I late to the party? Let me know.

Stephen Arnold, December 14, 2008


4 Responses to “Google Alert Change”

  1. Jess Bratcher on December 14th, 2008 9:14 pm

    I get several alerts daily and I’ve not seen this yet. I’d say it’s new and phasing in, much like the Gmail themes did.

  2. oleg shilovitsky on December 15th, 2008 4:48 am

    I’m getting alerts via mail in Outlook. No pictures. Did you get it in gmail?

  3. javadork on December 19th, 2008 11:11 am

    My alerts now contain redirects, ala, which Blackberry doesn’t like. Trying to figure out how to get Google to not use them or make Blackberry like them.

  4. rolf on January 4th, 2009 7:00 am

    redirect to url which not exists.if i want that they ask.
    complete nonsense.

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