MOSS 2007: Teetering on the Brink in 2009

December 14, 2008

The year numbering strikes me as odd. It’s the tail end of 2008, and I am reading about MOSS 2007’s accomplishments. In two weeks it will be 2009. I think, “What’s been accomplished in SharePoint” in this time period?” Well, I don’t have a very good answer. I have quite a few questions about Microsoft’s MOSS 2007; for example, how can one minimize the complexity and cost of the system while delivering sub second response times? With an eagerness that surprised the other geese in the pond, I read “SharePoint 2007 – A Quick Review” here. The write up was brief. Here are the points that jumped off the page and lodged in my goose brain:

  1. MOSS 2007 is user friendly
  2. MOSS 2007 indexes business data and “other relevant information from remote data stores”
  3. MOSS 2007 supports collaboration
  4. MOSS 2007 supports standards
  5. MOSS 2007 improves in Web and “Web 2.0 content management”

The writer notes, “There is however, some difficulty that is experienced with customization and there are also concerns about ongoing maintenance.”

Stepping back, I don’t agree that MOSS 2007 is that much different from previous versions of SharePoint. The product is positioned as a Swiss Army knife. Most of the features my team and I have tested are convoluted and buggy; for example, accessing Dynamics and Performance Point data rank right up there with getting a root canal or a hip replaced.

SharePoint is a remarkable product, but I don’t think the list of benefits and features in this write up maps to what I have experienced. SharePoint, MOSS 2007, and the Fast Web part will help consultants have a pleasant holiday and a great 2009. SharePoint consulting is a booming business. But the cheerful summary can’t neutralize the ominous shadow of “some difficulty” referenced fleetingly by Moss Consulting.

Stephen Arnold, December 14, 2008


One Response to “MOSS 2007: Teetering on the Brink in 2009”

  1. Quinn on December 15th, 2008 7:58 am

    Okay, can I just point out that Autonomy IDOL 7 didn’t come out until the tail end of 2006 yet you “deliver” news about it that makes it sound like it’s the second coming. Then your insightful thoughts about MOSS 2007 run along the lines of “Well, gee, it’s almost 2009”. Seriously?? This is your litmus test? Do you actually work with any of these products?

    Beginning to smell a useless site….

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