Nstein and Taxonomy Improvement
December 14, 2008
Nstein Technologies is helping media companies like Scripps, Bonnier, and Time expand search taxonomies to return better search results. By customizing word relationships, Nstein uses semantics to categorize results in context. The goal is to increase user satisfaction. By giving them better results in searches, the customers are more likely to return to the Web site. To support the idea, Nstein redesigned its entire site, incorporating a custom taxonomy to increase reader satisfaction. Their example: “Stuffing” was added to the taxonomy – and an association was made between “Dressing” with “Stuffing,” so no matter which keyword a reader chose, all relevant recipes would appear. Companies also are going farther than custom taxonomies – they are adopting and expanding authority files (controlled lists of products, companies, locations, people, etc.)
It all comes down to making search better.
Jessica Bratcher, December 14, 2008