Google Recipes
December 15, 2008
Last week I showed some “in the wild” functions on Google. These are test pages on which certain Google features appear. Finding an “in the wild” service is a hit and miss affair. I was curious about the query “recipes”. On Wednesday, December 10, 2008, I ran the query and it was ho hum regular Google laundry list format. Today (Sunday, December 14, 2008), the query generated an interesting result page. First, the Programmable Search Engine drop down box appears. Second, the source of the recipes is a Web site at Third, a hot link to a definition of recipes appears under the line about customized search results; for example, Results 1 – 10 of about 148,000,000 for recipes [definition]. (0.15 seconds). When I clicked the definition, I was directed here.
Advertisers may be willing to pay extra to be featured with the Google categories for their Web site or the “definition” hot link. Add to this the insertion of AdWords into the drop down suggestion box and what have you got? Subtle monetization. The GOOG is going to hit its revenue targets by offering advertisers some very tasty ad options. Ads, like Web pages, are losing their zing. The GOOG is responding.
Stephen Arnold, December 15, 2008