Google: Stomping Blinkx, Microsoft, Yahoo–Everybody

December 23, 2008

I am not a video centric person. But I have examined data that suggest in two or three years, rich media will be an increasingly big chunk of an organization’s data. I like to read; 15 year olds watch videos. The TechCrunch article here should make the blood run cold in quite a few search companies. Erick Schonfeld’s “YouTube Now 25 Percent of All Google Searches” means one thing–the Google is extending its lead in search. For me, the point of these data is not that the numbers are necessarily spot on. Stats never are when someone is tracking Internet traffic. The point is that users are becoming habituated to Googzilla. Well meaning but uninformed people who don’t look beyond the baloney generated by azure chip consultants miss the delayed impact of habits in online access. Once these habits are formed, competitors have to work overtime to change them. With Google’s dominance in search, why is it so difficult for folks to consider the implications of Google centric behavior in organizations? I figured it out a couple of years ago. The YouTube search data underscore the pay forward advantage the GOOG has in place.

Stephen Arnold, December 22, 2008


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