IBM OmniFind Made Simple
February 23, 2009
If you are enamored of IBM software, you will thrill to Kent Milligan’s lucid write up about IBM Omnifind, the free edition. Mr. Milligan touches on the new semantic features in OmnfFind, provides some set up tips, and points to links with more information for those with an Omnifind appetite. The write up “DB2 for i DBA: OmniFind Text Search Server” is here. In addition to the code snippets, the most interesting chunk of the write up for me was:
This new product provides the ability to quickly search text with advanced linguistic methods. Even more exciting is the fact that these text-search capabilities are not just limited to simple text strings stored in databases; they can also be applied to text stored in document formats such as Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word.
Hard charging OmniFinder will know most of the info in the article. For those wanting an overview, Mr. Milligan saves us some ramp up time.
Stephen Arnold, February 23, 2009