Dead Tree Guardian Reports a Truth about Google
February 28, 2009
A happy quack to the reader who alerted me to “Google Algorithms for Computer Science” in the letters section of the Guardian, a dead tree outfit in the United Kingdom. You can read this “news flash” here. Keep in mind that the GOOG is 10 years old and makes available hundreds of technical papers from the Google Labs’s page here. Pick a document at random and what’s inside? Math. Okay, we can easily establish that Googzilla’s wizards are interested in a range of numerical recipes. The Guardian, in my opinion, was surprised when Graham Sharp of the Operational Research Society and Professor Malcolm Atkinson et al of the University of Edinburgh communicated to the Guardian that algorithms are important and “Mathematicians rule”. Correct. Too late to do much to help some of Google’s competitors who hopefully do not wait for newspapers to reveal the secrets of Google.
Stephen Arnold, February 28, 2009