Social Media Experts Who Don’t Use Social Media
February 28, 2009
Earlier today someone took exception to my use of the post Civil War buzzword “carpetbagger.” I remember my great great grandmother using the word when I was young. I loved the word then and I want to keep it fresh. The word came to mind when I read Tom Foremski’s “Can You Advise about Social Media If You Don’t Use It?” here. Mr. Foremski in a nice and gentle way explores an instance of a public relations professional advising clients about Facebook and Twitter without using these services. Mr. Foremski said, “There was no sense in continuing that conversation because her position is nonsense, imho.” Yep, Mr. Foremski provides another example of a consultant who is, in my opinion, practicing the century old craft of carpetbagging. How widespread is this? As the economy heads south, I see more and more “experts” embracing the world’s second oldest profession–consulting. I must admit that I earn my living as a consultant. I may be an addled goose, but I am not silly enough to profess to understand something I don’t use. You won’t get much advice from me about social media. For that, chase down one of the new age carpetbaggers.
Stephen Arnold, February 28, 2009