Media Brands as Cesspools
April 23, 2009
I found Michael Gray’s “Why Big Brand Media Sites Are The Real Cesspool of the Internet” here a good read. I agree with most of Mr. Gray’s points. The idea is that
not only are big brands just as responsible for the pollution of the internet, but Google is an enabler.
Strong stuff, and it makes clear the paradoxical nature of Google. The company needs the media companies and the media companies need Google. Neither side is in a position to assert “game over”. Mr. Gray made a good point when he wrote:
So how bout it Google are you really prepared to deal with duplicate content like you say you are, or are you like Mr. Schmidt going to keep paying it lip service.
Digital information is rife with paradoxes. Mr. Gray has identified a big one.
Stephen Arnold, April 23, 2009