SharePoint Joel Is Revved Up

April 30, 2009

My newsreader delivered “Five No Brainer Reasons to Install SP2 (When you are ready!!!)” The three exclamation points were in the original post. The author of this article was Joel Oleson. It is clear that he put considerable work into the lists that make up this Web log post. You can read his five reasons to install Service Pack 2 for SharePoint here. If you skip over the five reasons and navigate to the list of links, you will find a number of useful pointers. The cumulative effect of these lists are positive and negative. The positive side is that the lists of SharePoint resources will save hours if not days of hunting and pecking for information. The negative side is that the lists are a mute reminder of the crazy engineering that created the need for Mr. Oleson’s post in the first place.

Stephen Arnold, April 30, 2009


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