Autonomy Keeps Growing

July 23, 2009

The growth may not be organic, but Autonomy’s combination of acquisitions and upselling existing customers is making it possible for Autonomy to make its stakeholders smile. Trading Markets’ headline tells the tale: “Autonomy Corporation plc Records Increased Profit of US$50.9m in Q2 2009”. Autonomy has morphed into an enterprise software vendor of broad scope. In addition to search, the company has video asset management, eDiscovery, and content management systems on offer. “Pure” search vendors may have to face the music and follow in Autonomy’s footsteps. What the company has proved to me is that trying to hit a billion in revenue with “pure” search is probably next to impossible. What will happen to “pure” search vendors? Interesting question to ponder as attendance at search-related shows continues to soften Microsoft Fast and Google may bundle basic search with other products. Creative thinking is needed. Failing that, some vendors may walk the same path that Autonomy has followed.

Stephen Arnold, July 23, 2009


One Response to “Autonomy Keeps Growing”

  1. Seth Grimes on July 23rd, 2009 2:37 pm

    I believe the IDOL platform growth — i.e., organic growth — was 18%. Not bad!

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