AP News Registry

July 25, 2009

Important initiative from the Associated Press. A news registry. You must read the official announcement with the killer title “Associated Press to Build News Registry to Protect Content”. Because I am fearful of legal reprisals against me, I won’t quote from this “news release.” I do have some questions:

  1. What’s news?
  2. When news in in a public news release, what is protected?
  3. What happens if some addled goose cites an AP story and includes a sentence or two in a blog post?

Will this initiative protect content? I only know that if I was cautious about AP before reading this announcement, the addled goose wants to steer clear  of underpaid stringers, constantly changing stories sent down the wire, and the general made AP’s intellectual property because a publi9c announcement from a state government office in Illinois finds its way into the AP state feed. Honk if you are afraid of change.

Stephen Arnold, July 24, 2009


One Response to “AP News Registry”

  1. A Brief History of the Last Two Times Newspapers Dealt with Tech | Essays on July 30th, 2009 12:26 am

    […] AP News Registry (arnoldit.com) […]

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