Google File System, The Next Version

August 13, 2009

Cade Metz’s “Google File System II: Dawn of the Multiplying Master Nodes” pulls together some Google information about an important plumbing change at the Googleplex. The Register points to an interview with a Googler named Sean Qunlan. For me, the most interesting point was:

“Our user base has definitely migrated from being a MapReduce-based world to more of an interactive world that relies on things such as BigTable. Gmail is an obvious example of that. Videos aren’t quite as bad where GFS is concerned because you get to stream data, meaning you can buffer. Still, trying to build an interactive database on top of a file system that was designed from the start to support more batch-oriented operations has certainly proved to be a pain point.”

The Google continues to innovate. The challenges of the “interactive world” will separate those who can from those who cannot in the next generation Web services world.

Stephen Arnold, August 13, 2009


One Response to “Google File System, The Next Version”

  1. Halloween outage for Gmail? | Zavanix on February 14th, 2010 12:18 pm

    […] Google File System, The Next Version ( […]

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