Kentico: Muddies Search Waters
August 21, 2009
In my corner of the search and content processing world, there are distinct types of search. The simplest distinction I make is between a company that wants to search content behind its firewall. This is the type of search I call “behind the firewall search”. The second type of search is a system that allows either an employee or a non employee to search a public Web site owned by the employee’s employer. This is Web site search. The third type of search is Internet search. Martin White and I explain these basic distinctions in our January 2009 Successful Enterprise Search Management. There are other variants of search and I won’t detail these in this short Web log post. Suffice it to say that much confusion comes about when anyone refers to “enterprise search” and a “Web site search” without providing a listener or reader with context, color, and concrete examples.
I almost honked myself to death when I read “Kentico CMS for ASP.NET Gets Enterprise-Class Search Capabilities.” An outfit with which I am not familiar happily uses “enterprise search,” “Web content”, and search for structured data in one big stew. I am sure the energetic news release writer received much input about buzz words and Kentico marketing lingo.
In my opinion, Microsoft centric systems are sufficiently confusing as they are. A vendor who adds to this confusion gives the addled goose a headache. You may be happy as a newly minted consultant with this type of search fuzziness. Not me.
Stephen Arnold, August 22, 2009