XML and Big Data

August 24, 2009

If you are struggling with big data, you may want to spend a few minutes reading “How XML Threatens Big Data”. Here in the wilds of Kentucky, we are awash in XML. Years ago we learned that XML is not the answer to some data problems. Others, however, have embraced XML only to discover that there are some gotchas in the reality of ASCII with lots of tags and the cute stuff programmers can do with XML. Michael Driscoll recounts some of his XML adventures. A few of these are quote interesting. One passage we enjoyed was:

XML’s complexity inflicts misery on both sides of the data divide: on the publishing side, developers struggle to comply with the latest edicts of a fussy standards group. While data suitors labor to quickly unravel that XML format into something they can use.

The author offers three recommendations. These are worth noting. I won’t spoil your fun by summarizing Mr. Driscoll’s observations. Enjoy those angle brackets!

Stephen Arnold, August 24, 2009


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