YAGG: Gmail Migration Glitch Bites Brown

September 19, 2009

Short honk: YAGG means “yet another Google glitch”. A happy quack to the reader who alerted me to “Google Apps Bug: You’ve Got (My) Mail.” I don’t know if the story is spot on, but I suggest you read it and tuck the info away for future reference. Cnet reported:

As a result of a bug in a Google Apps e-mail migration tool, some students at Brown University found other students’ e-mail in their in-box over the weekend as Google was moving their e-mail from Exchange to Gmail, Google confirmed on Friday. The problem affected a “handful” of organizations that use Google Apps, a spokesman said. He declined to specify how many were affected or how many individual users were affected.

Big deal? Ask one of the students. I would be annoyed.

Stephen Arnold, September 19, 2009


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