Coveo and Email Search
September 24, 2009
My two or three readers felt compelled to send me links to a number of Web write ups about Coveo’s email search system. I have tested the system and found it quite good, in fact, excellent. For forensic search of a single machine, I have been testing a “pocket search” product from Gaviri, and I find that quite effective as well. If you are not familiar with the challenges email search presents, you may want to take a look at one of the Coveo-centric news stories, which does quite a good job of explaining the challenge and the Coveo solution. The article is “Coveo Brings Enterprise Search Expertise to Email” by Chelsi Nakano. For me the key passage was:
There’s at least one happy customer to speak of: “Other solution providers require you to spend tens if not hundreds of thousands in service fees to customize the enterprise search solution and make enterprise search work for your employees,” said Trent Parkhill, VP, Director IT of Haley and Aldrich. “With Coveo […] enterprise search now meshes seamlessly with classification and email archiving to give us a full email management solution.”
Happy customers are more important to me than megabytes of marketing PDFs and reports from azure chip consultants who try too, too hard to explain a useful, functional system. More info is available directly from Coveo.