SAP and Communication
November 26, 2009
SAP and its search system TREX are not exactly the most popular topics among search engine pundits. SAP doesn’t talk to me about TREX, and, if’s “Users Tell SAP: We Need to Talk More” is correct, users are in the same goose pond. SAP, like companies, seems to have some message to its UK and Ireland user groups. According to the article:
SAP needs to better communicate with customers about the products in its portfolio as well as the technology it’s developing.
For me, this comment was significant:
SAP UK and Ireland User Group chairman Alan Bowling agreed that the technology vendor could do more to communicate its product roadmap to customers along with the knowledge the company has acquired around staff training over the years. Tim Noble, SAP’s UK managing director, also told the conference: “My goal is to further strengthen our relationship with the user group.”
Ah, to be communication. I wonder why the “as is” communication is an issue. Not talking to a goose is one thing. Not talking to users is quite another. What’s to hide? What’s the concern? What’s the management road block?
Stephen Arnold, November 26, 2009
I wish to disclose to the Council on Developmental Disabilities that I was not paid to point out that SAP has a communication challenge. I wonder if that’s a developmental disability?
2 Responses to “SAP and Communication”
Hi Steve,
here’s some communication…
The “not talking about TREX” may be due to the fact that we rather talk about the products based around it than about the backend engine itself these days.
And if you want further talk about that, please drop me a mail.
Best, Karsten
Hi Steve,
Many of the inherited Search and Analytics products acquired via BusinessObjects and prior to this Inxight will most probably become an integral part of underlying SAP Netweaver achitecture, so agreed not just TREX.