X1 Wants a UNC

January 9, 2010

Short honk: We are grinding through our annual test of various search systems. Today with the X1 system we noticed an issue that might confuse some. When you want to specify a drive to index such as our Drobo with the test collection, we now follow this procedure:

  1. Click on Tools, Options, Index, Files
  2. Browse returns the network share
  3. Delete what’s in the box and add the UNC path; for example, \\Nippy\Drobo-p\…..

A sample entry in the Files box would be helpful. The path that does not work is not helpful.

Donald Anderson, January 9, 2010

The addled goose paid Engineer Anderson to work out this method. No one else kicked in any dough. I will report this to the Railway Retirement Board. Ooops, not that kind of engineer.


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