Google: A Pre Buzz Decline?
February 16, 2010
I have avoided writing about Google Buzz. I am going to push the Buzz information into our new blog Strategic Social Networking, and I will tackle the subject in one of my for-money columns. For this post, I want to point to “Google Loses 1% Share in Nielsen January 2010 Rankings.” My hunch is that this is a statistical plus or minus issue. What will be interesting will be to look at Google’s share of the Web search market in the context of these recent events:
- More hassles with the Google Books project, including the push back directly at the US Department of Justice
- The Buzz privacy flap and the subsequent Google galloping to “fix” the problems
- The decision to rebuff Australia’s request for filtering
- The waffling by Google’s senior management about the China problem
- The positive vibes for Windows back-form-the-dead mobile phone operating system.
If Google’s Web search share increases, I will know that the Google is alive and well. If the search share slides, I will know that the giddy days are over, and Google has to do some thinking about its next moves. I will grab an Odwalla and kick back to see what happens.
Stephen E Arnold, February 15, 2010
No one paid me to write this. Because data are involved, I will report writing for free to the census crowd. Stats City, for sure.