List of Non Commercial Databases
February 16, 2010
A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to “25+ Alternative & Open Source Database Engines”. I just finished a write up for the Wilshire event in March 2010. Databases were on my mind. I continue to look each day for a Google announcement about its data management services for the enterprise. Each day I am disappointed. I read about Buzz (what’s that, tinnitus?), Books (who reads under the age of 21?), and Android (isn’t that a word coined by a sci-fi guy?). Obviously I am not in the mainstream, so the notion of “alternative and open source” appeals to me. All kidding aside, you will want to snag this list which includes several I have not look at for a while; for example:
I snagged this list for future reference. A flap of the wings to Web Resource Depot.
Stephen E Arnold, February 16, 2010
No one paid me to write this. Because I emitted a quack and did a flap, I will report non compensation to the Fish & Wildlife crowd, located near the GSA. Make life easy is my motto when in DC.