Arnold Column Added to Information Today
April 14, 2010
Stephen E. Arnold, an expert in search, content processing, and online systems, and author of “Google: The Digital Gutenberg” (Infonortics, 2009) and three other significant Google studies, will be writing a column for the information industry’s trade paper, Information Today.
The column will focus on new directions in search and content processing, and themes from “Successful Enterprise Search Marketing,” which Arnold co-authored with Martin White of Intranet Solutions.
“I want to document the rapid changes now taking place in the way users interact with search systems. The era of the desktop PC is ending and new devices with new form factors mean major changes in search and retrieval,” Arnold said. Arnold has worked in the search and content processing field for more than ten years. He also writes columns for the Smart Business Network, Information World Review, and KMWorld.
More information about Arnold and his strategic information consulting business is available at He also supports two blogs: Beyond Search,, focuses on next generation search issues, and the Strategic Social Networking Blog,, addresses trends and current events in social media for business. His Google studies are available at
Jessica West Bratcher, April 14, 2010