Enterprise Search is Not Web Search

April 20, 2010

Google continues to dominate the search market as reported by ecommercenews.com, “Google Dominates Enterprise Level Search”  Touting a number of 80% of the enterprise search market share would make one agree. However, it is important to note that not all searches are created equal. Google is making and maintaining gains in the enterprise search arena, but site search and web search results are a different game.

Per our own Stephen Arnold in The Enterprise Search Report: Requirements, Costs, Products, and Practices, web search is for finding web content, whether that be content on the Internet or on your own company’s intranet or website.

Enterprise search, on the other hand, is limited to specific information produced by a company. Instead of a spider or crawler adding content to the system, enterprise search can also receive a direct file transfer from other enterprise systems.

So, Google gets credit for the majority of enterprise market share. Can they gain and maintain market share of other search markets?

Melody K. Smith, April 20, 2010

Note: Post was not sponsored.


One Response to “Enterprise Search is Not Web Search”

  1. Edwin Stauthamer on April 21st, 2010 2:56 am

    As I mentioned in my Blog (http://ia-search.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-some-people-think-of-enterprise.html), you are using the phrase “Enterprise search” totally different than how it is normally perceived.

    The article speaks of the use of the Google websearch from within the enterprise. So what engine do workers use when seaching the internet.
    Enterprise level search has to do with making all information whitin the enterprise (“firewall”) searchable…

    Totally different piece of cake and I think you should rephrase your article to relflect that.

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