Bing Dinging the Google
June 26, 2010
“Bing’s New Bling: TV, Music from Microsoft Search” does a good job of explaining Microsoft’s consumer search strategy. Microsoft’s angle of attack on Googzilla is to make search solves some specific problems. Here’s the key passage in my opinion:
Microsoft is making a push into entertainment. The company has struck deals with television networks, video Web sites such as Hulu, recording labels, game makers and other content companies. When people search for a show, a song or a casual game on Bing, they’ll often be able to watch, listen or play right from the search results, without having to go to another site.
Google has some formidable rich media capabilities. Microsoft, on the other hand, has some deals in place. If the new services bring smiles to the faces of content partners, Microsoft will be able to get more. Google has not purchased a company to fill in the gaps in its rich media content offerings. Now time may be slipping away. The Google set top box takes a search approach to locating rich media. Microsoft delivers findability and, in some cases, content. Microsoft manages to provide its new service without the sun obscuring flight of legal eagles that now accompany Google wherever the company goes.
Stephen E Arnold, June 26, 2010