Google Verizon Thrashing

August 6, 2010

I was surprised that my method of creating content is triggering some interest. I have described the approach as “weaponized information” in some of my briefings. I Madrid I described the method to some interested listeners from a government agency. The idea is simple. Certain open source documents contain information that is the digital equivalent of depleted uranium projectiles. The specifics are boring, but the phrase surfaced in a call from a reporter who wanted the addled goose to comment about the alleged “discussions” between the Google and the Baby Bell without the iPhone. I was asked, “What’s the significance of these alleged discussions?”

My answer, “Apple.” The reporter wanted some color. I said, “Verizon doesn’t have an iPhone. Google doesn’t have an iTunes. Team up. Who else is available for these two commercial enterprises to marry?”

The reporter was not thrilled with my response. Too bad.

I have read a number of the analyses of these alleged discussions. I enjoyed the Twitter comment allegedly from Google’s Public Policy Blog.

@NYTimes is wrong. We’ve not had any convos with VZN about paying for carriage of our traffic. We remain committed to an open internet.

I liked even more the write up “Verizon, Google to Propose Net Neutrality Rules.”

What’s going on is one of those depleted uranium plays. Heavy payload projectiles are being fired. The target is money. Who is punching the fire button? There has been quite a bit of information about learning from failures, the Android’s blasting past the Apple turtle, and now this Google Verizon thing. My hunch is that the big boys got caught and are now blasting away. Maybe these folks will hit something? William Tell nailed an apple. Can Google and Verizon?

Weaponized information? I think disinformation is more likely.

Stephen E Arnold, August 6, 2010



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