Graphic of Online Communities Reveals Big Social Media Shifts

August 18, 2010

Since the introduction of the first online social media sites the industry has grown immensely. XKCD using a map illustrated the relative size of the various online communities in 2007 but just a mere three years later Flowtown released an updated version of the map as shown in “Map of Online Communities Reveals Staggering Social Media Shifts (Pictures).” According to the 2007 map MySpace was the dominant social media site with Facebook pictured as one of the smaller ones. Flowtown created a network map “that reflects current trends in 2010.” The results were substantially different and show Facebook, which boasts about 500 million members, as the dominant social site. The old giant MySpace experienced a decrease in membership as well as social media power. With so many options and members it can make searching through the sites an endless task. In just a few years the social media world has done a 360.

April Holmes, August 18, 2010


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