Gartner Demystifies Story Telling

August 26, 2010

Gartner is going to teach effective marketing storytelling. That’s according to an article posted on The article, entitled, “Gartner Highlights Four-Step Process for Technology Providers to Communicate Effective Marketing Stories.”  The article quotes Gartner exec Richard Fouts as saying, “We tend to remember a good story, even years after we’ve heard it. We tend to forget lists of bullet points.” By beginning with the “end of the Story,” Fouts says, effective marketers reveal the ultimate business outcome they deliver for customers. This motivates the audience to keep listening. It also forces marketers to make a link between what they do, and the results they produce. The gist of the article is to put the customer first, and support your products with validating, real success stores. Quite an insight.

Bret Quinn, August 26, 2010



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