NLP-Based Service Swingly Now at Bat
August 30, 2010
The new service Swingly strives to offer web enthusiasts one of the first web answer engines. The service works by taking text from a variety of sources on the web which could include social media or news articles and compiling them in web databases that can be used for answering questions. Semantic Web gives information about the new service in “NLP-Based Service Swingly’s Up At Bat.” The service will rely on NLP to properly extract as well as index all of the information gathered from documents. In addition the service will rely on semantic inference techniques in order to “recognize links between questions and answers building a page rank style graph to quickly identify authoritative content.” The impressiveness of Swingly surrounds the ability to understand the semantics or meaning of a large amount of available information on the Net. Users receive better results in less time. The importance of semantics in web searches has never been clearer.
April Holmes, August 30, 2010
One Response to “NLP-Based Service Swingly Now at Bat”
The NLP link is wrong. It’s not Neuro Linguistic Programming but Natural Language Processing.