Bringing Twitter to Life
September 13, 2010
Real Simple Syndication or RSS has been the leading news aggregator for a long time. However, with the advent of social networking technologies, people became disinterested in RSS, which was then proclaimed dead. Twitter too disabled the Basic Authentication on its site, not providing any other alternatives.
Russell Beattie suggests a useful tip to tap on Twitter’s real time information, on his site’s article “Using Roomatic to Get Your Twitter Timeline RSS feed.” Russell has his own oAuth-enabled Twitter service called Roomatic, and all you have to do is click on the link provided in the article. He explains, “It’ll forward you to Twitter to ask for authentication, you click yes, and it’ll re-direct you back to the same url with some params [sic] which passes through the raw xml feed of your subscribers tweets.” You have to use this URL in your feed readers, to re-start the instant Twitter feeds.
Miracle. RSS resurrected.
Harleena Singh, September 13, 2010