US Government and Its New IT Directions

September 14, 2010

The U.S. Government is shedding its old clothes for new ones that fit the new technology. The Obama Administration wants the agencies to be transparent and innovative, giving command to U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to implement the “Open Government” initiative, which in turn created the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (OCSIT).

The CRMBuyer interview “Making Change Happen Every Day: Q&A With GSA’s David McClure”, reports the OCSIT associate administrator comment that, “OCSIT is rapidly becoming a leader in the use of new media, Web 2.0 technologies, and cloud computing, to proactively make government agencies and services more accessible to the public.” According to him, by operating at the “enterprise level,” the GSA is aiming to accelerate the adoption of technologies, including mobile applications, and improving search engine capabilities, to involve greater customer interactions and gain efficiencies. We concur with David who feels enhancing citizen participation in government will pay dividends on technology investments, but by hiring IBM to add agility, we are not sure if it could be the swiftest runner on the track team.

Why are there so many separate search systems? Is one efficiency to use one indexing system?

Is IBM the swiftest cat in the nature preserve?

Leena Singh, September 14, 2010



One Response to “US Government and Its New IT Directions”

  1. Mark @ Israel on September 17th, 2010 2:19 pm

    Probably, IBM is the swiftest. It’s good that the government is trying to keep up with today’s technology. However, there’s a question whether the government can keep up with all its spending and not double up the national debt. Can Obama come up with a solution for the national debt?

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