Google Borrows Visual Inspiration from Bing
February 14, 2011
In the drop off from Google’s accusation that Bing recycles Google search results, we reread “Google Edges Bing for Visual Attention.”
If we understand the article, Google has managed to edge Bing out once again, but this time it may not be for the better. Evidently Google users are spending more time eyeing search results than Bing users. A study shows that the top three organic search positions on Google attract more visual attention than does Bing.
“While more gaze time is good for sponsored results, the opposite is true for organic results,” said Aga Bojko, User Centric’s Chief Scientist.
Basically, what this means is Google users spend more time searching for the right link while Bing users don’t. The Bing search engine is bringing up more relevant search results than is Google. In my opinion, relevancy trumps “organic position.” I’m searching with Bing. Imitation is, we believe, a form of flattery or a short cut.
Leslie Radcliffe, February 14, 2011