Google: Search to Knowledge
May 6, 2011
Short honk: Knowledge is a sticky wicket. When I was working on a PhD, one of my advisors was the fellow for whom I was indexing Latin sermons. His name was Arthur Barker. In his spare time, he cranked out bibliographies and studies of topics best not discussed among search engine optimization experts, poobahs, and technology satraps. I recall one conversation in which he complained about the problem of knowledge. My recollection is that he suggested knowledge was a slippery fish. Epistemology, hermeneutics, and other hot topics left “knowledge” poorly defined. What did I know? I was indexing medieval Latin. Who needed knowledge for what in 1968 was pretty much irrelevant to everyone in the world. Flash forward to my reading “Why Google Renamed Its Search Group ‘Knowledge’”. Google has put one of its HP hires in charge of search which is now called knowledge. Check out the original article. You will undoubtedly understand it. Forget Fichte. Don’t say Kant. Google’s got knowledge nailed or Knolled.
Stephen E Arnold, May 6, 2011
One Response to “Google: Search to Knowledge”
Via Twitter, zenbrarian asks [Is Google] Shifting Gears for Knowledge Economy?
The Knowledge Economy a la Fritz Machlup and Peter Drucker hops over the decades of what historians may eventually call The Search Age. Are we still in it?
Check out Robert X. Cringely who said we have moved, get this, from the knowledge economy to the search economy. From Tim Wilson’s blog:
Cringely –
I get it: search is little peanuts; knowledge is maybe big bucks and even happier shareholders?