Maps on Steroids

May 17, 2011

Here is an interesting link from the people behind “Public Data Visualization with Google Maps and Fusion Tables”.

“Visualizing” public data basically means mapping information that is relevant to a community.  A good working example mentioned in the posting is San Francisco’s Bay Area bike accident tracker.  The map’s legend decodes the various colored dots as the type of accident and how it came to be recorded.



A screenshot of the coding needing to display a map with personalized details is offered in the posting.  The star of the show is the integration with a fusion table, a tool offered by Google to house data sets to be presented on a map.  Added functionality is included by using “SQL-like query syntax” and leveraging “the Python libraries Google provides for query generation and API calls”.  This allows you to pick smaller data sets out of the fusion table.

So behind the scenes, this looks like another example of search moving beyond the token keyword.  You won’t hear any complaints out of us. I remember creating maps using old fashioned methods when I was working on my engineering degree. This method delivers accuracy and time savings.

Sarah Rogers, May 17, 2011



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