Oracle Text Information Seems Thin

September 16, 2011

Here at ArnoldIT, we were looking for information about Oracle Text Search, an aspect of Oracle Text, which offers a complete text search solution. Oracle Text is included with
both the Oracle11g Standard and Enterprise Editions. After much floundering and a bad link from the Google, we navigated to, and found, a 2007 gem, which seems a bit dated.

In the Oracle technical white paper we found one reference to text search which stated:

[Through Oracle Text’s integrated text search capability] Oracle 11g provides an extensibility framework that enables developers to extend the data types understood by the database kernel. Oracle Text uses this framework to fully integrate the text indexes with the standard Oracle query engine.

We had hoped to find more up-to date information at The Oracle forum. Unfortunately, it did not have a direct entry for Oracle Text Search. If a reader has links to more current information, please, post them in the comments section to this blog. In the meantime, Oracle, please, make information about your search and content processing systems findable.

Jasmine Ashton, September 16, 2011

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