Text Analytics Summit Freight Train Arrives in November 2011

October 5, 2011

We wanted to remind you that the Text Analytics Summit West is November 10th and 11th in San Jose, California. The conference venue is the Convention Plaza Hotel. Among the speakers are:

  • Tom H. C. Anderson, Managing Partner of Anderson Analytics
  • Cliff Figallo, Senior Site Curator and Editor at Smart Data Collective and Social Media Today
  • Vincent Granville, Chief Architect, Executive Director of AnalyticBridge and many other analytics visionaries and practitioners.

You can read an informative transcript of a discussion among these three experts at http://www.textanalyticsnews.com/text-mining-conference-west/summit-news.shtml.

The conference program is available on the Text Analytics News Web site. The conference offers special student discounts.

Stephen E Arnold, October 5, 2011

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One Response to “Text Analytics Summit Freight Train Arrives in November 2011”

  1. How to Secure Federal Data in the Cloud | SmartData Collective « The Puchi Herald: News from the World on October 13th, 2011 6:11 am

    […] Text Analytics Summit Freight Train Arrives in November 2011 (arnoldit.com) […]

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