Google Plus and Kumbaya

October 6, 2011

We think Google Plus or Google+ is quite interesting. We are convinced that Google Plus is the “new” Google. Our view is that search is being de-emphasized just as it is in the Windows 8 user experience.

Frankly we were surprised with the assertions, allegations, or revelations in “Google’s Management Doesn’t Use Google+.” The write up has a nifty chart which lists quite a few Googlers. The chart contains data about these individuals’ use of Google Plus. The idea is that the most prolific Googler is Vic Gundotra, the former Microsoft executive, and now Google senior vice president of social. (We hope this is not the “Welcome to the Social” usage of the word “social” that we noted with the Zune.)


Image source:

Here’s the passage we noted along with the table:

In total, of the 18 most senior people charged with overseeing Google, 11 have either not joined or have never made a single public post, and 5 have barely used it at all. Only Senior VP of Social / head of Google+ Vic Gundotra and SVP of Chrome Sundar Pichai have made any effort to seriously adopt Google+.

Several observations:

First, perhaps the data are incomplete?

Second, we find that social services exhibit a usage pattern among most users of drifting away due to the time commitment versus the pay back calculation users run once the novelty of a service wears off.

Third, Googlers are busy. There are investments in alternative energy, facilities in Norway, legal hassles, internal meetings to make the interaction of the advertising and search teams increasingly harmonious and effective. If I were smart enough to be a Googler, I might not have the time to invest in Google Plus.

The bottom line is that the “new” Google is more about creating a massive, integrated operating experience. Google Plus is the tip of the iceberg. My hunch is that Google Plus will become a much used service when bonuses are hooked to posts. Until then, I am not sure of the uptake.

Google Plus posts can become issues in a legal matter, and I think that until the litigation storms blow over, getting lots of outputs may be difficult.

Stephen E Arnold, October 6, 2011

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One Response to “Google Plus and Kumbaya”

  1. Google Plus and Kumbaya : Beyond Search | Google Plus 1 Services on October 6th, 2011 5:08 am

    […] Visit link: Google Plus and Kumbaya : Beyond Search […]

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