Tableau 6.1 Available for Apple iPad

October 25, 2011

App mania is in full stride.

Seattle based rapid-fire business intelligence software producer, Tableau Software, has gained recognition for performing “simple business analytics,” has now made Tableau 6.1  available for public use and can be made available on the iPad. This is important because most apps insulate the user from of the messy fiddling old style enterprise applications required. Some were beyond the MBA and required a programmer, who, in theory, could verify that data were clean and the functions appropriate to the data set available.

The Tableau blog post “Tableau Makes Business Intelligence Faster and Mobile”  states:

The new version delivers automatic touch and gesture optimized support for the Apple iPad, whether views are accessed via Tableau’s new iPad App or via Mobile Safari. In addition, Tableau enhanced its in-memory analytics engine with increased query and loading performance. People can also rapidly update existing extracts in Tableau’s data engine. Other improvements include localization and new maps.”
In addition to having an even faster in-memory data engine, what’s really cool about this new version is that through the new iPad app, you can still create quick and easy interactive dashboards and reports from both Tableau Server and Tableau Public. There is no need for up-front design changes or maintaining multiple versions of workbooks to serve multiple platforms and when a view is accessed from the iPad, Tableau automatically detects and optimizes the user experience.

Several observations:

  1. Will end users know what data delivered the output?
  2. Are the data fresh? How will end users know?
  3. Will end users make a decision based on a graph and some highlights?

Our thought is, “Many users will accept what’s on the iPad as accurate.” In some situations, the assumption may be incorrect by a little or a lot.

For more information on Tableau 6.1 and any other Tableau happenings, feel free to check out the company blog.

Jasmine Ashton, October 25, 2011

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