New Google News Feature Needs Polish
December 1, 2011
Silicon Feature reported on search related news this week in the article “Google News Now Features Limited Social Recommendations Based on +1s”
On November 22, the search giant announced a new Google+ powered feature for Google News as a small step towards creating a personalized news experience for users by featuring articles that Gmail contacts and people in your Google+ circles have publicly +1 in the Google’ News’ Spotlight section.
The article states:
“Google is only making baby steps toward social recommendations here, though. As Google software engineer Erich Schmidt points out, the Spotlight section will only “sometimes” features stories that were +1’d by your friends or people in your circles.”
Since Google’s news algorithms already provide some personalized features based on your web history and which articles you click on, it seems a bit redundant for such a historically inventive company to simply jump on the bandwagon to ad this feature. It appears that De Tocqueville was right… America goes average. Precision and recall go out the window to the cheers of the popular.
Jasmine Ashton, December 1, 2011
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