Dahu Edge Tackles Big Data
January 23, 2012
Big data are becoming one of the big problems of the 21st century due to exploding data volumes and the inability for most companies to address it in an efficient and cost effective manner. This issue has carved out a need for innovative technology to help companies manage their data.
The Dahu blog recently shared a post that explains data granularity in respect to big data in the article “Data Granularity – What’s *That* All About?”
Dahu is a new UK based company that combines a passion for innovation with the ability to build effective search to help customers find real value from the web.
The article points out:
Gathering data from a multitude of web-sites is perfectly possible using a wide variety of techniques, but up to now, these techniques have been quite intensive, requiring considerable set-up time and on-going management. This is fine if you are trying to gather data from perhaps one or two web sites and can keep on top of any changes in those sites – but if you need to gather content from perhaps thousands of sites, then you are going to struggle to manage the process in a cost-effective way.
Dahu’s primary product, the Dahu EDGE platform, does an excellent job of addressing this issue by mining content from a variety of structured and unstructured sources. This is a crowded space. Does Dahu have the “edge”? We’re watching.
Jasmine Ashton, January 23, 2012
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