Talend Updates Open Studio Applications

May 19, 2012

Talend’s Open Studio platform offers more business intelligence and big data with an enhancement: master data management. The H Open describes the updates found in the most recent version in “Talend Updates Data Tools to 5.1.0.”

Based on open source Eclipse, the Open Studio environment hosts Talend’s Data Integration, Big Data, Data Quality, Master Data Management, and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). A user-friendly GUI allows users to define processes. The write up specifies that the updates give Open Studio:

“. . .enhanced XML mapping and support for XML documents in its SOAP, JMS, File and Mom components. A new component has also been added to help manage Kerberos security. Open Studio for Data Quality has been enhanced with new ways to apply an analysis on multiple files, and the ability to drill down through business rules to see the invalid, as well as valid, records selected by the rules.

“ESB and Open Studio for ESB appear to be the most revised of the products, with the release notes documenting improvements to the REST and SOAP services, an improved route builder, and improvements to the runtime system . . . . Open Studio for Master Data Management has seen enhancements in the development environment, with searching and filtering available as ways to view an entity, and in the web user interface with improvements in visual cues, easier image storage and resizable sliding panels.”

Talend ESB and Big Data are under the Apache 2.0 License. Open Studio for ESB, Data Integration, Data Quality, and MDM are under the GPLv2.

Talend is a leading open source vendor, providing middleware for both data management and application integration. The company was already a leader in open source data management when its 2010 acquisition of Sopera boosted its standing in the open source middleware market. The company takes pride in providing powerful and flexible open solutions for all sorts of organizations, great and small.

Cynthia Murrell, May 19, 2012

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