Mondeca Updates Linked Open Vocabularies

June 11, 2012

Mondeca has updated their Linked Open Vocabularies(LOV). LOV’s goal is to help Web vocabulary users and managers access the broad ecosystem of linked open vocabularies in the Linked Data Cloud. The site’s About page explains:

“The vocabularies we are about are the many dialects (RDFS and OWL ontologies) used in the growing linked data Web. . . . Not only does linked data leverage a growing set of vocabularies, but vocabularies themselves rely more and more on each other through reusing, refining or extending, stating equivalences, declaring metadata.

“LOV objective is to provide easy access methods to this ecosystem of vocabularies, and in particular by making explicit the ways they link to each other and providing metrics on how they are used in the linked data cloud, help to improve their understanding, visibility and usability, and overall quality.”

A vocabulary is worthy of inclusion in the LOV dataset if it is expressed in one of the Semantic Web ontology languages (RDFS or some species of OWL); is published and freely available on the Web; is retrievable by content negotiation from its namespace URI; and is small enough easily integrated and re-used, in part or as a whole, by other vocabularies. See this page for more on the LOV dataset and features.

Mondeca is a leading provider of solutions for the management of advanced knowledge structures: ontologies, thesauri, taxonomies, terminologies, metadata repositories, knowledge bases, and linked open data. Their products and services help clients in Europe and North America boost their information retrieval, analysis, and usability. The firm was founded in 1999 and is based in Paris, France.

Cynthia Murrell, June 11, 2012

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