Beyond the Valley of the Liars

September 14, 2012

We’re shocked, shocked I say! We thought the Silicon Valley crowd embodied truth, justice, and the American way. Now, Nick O’Neill tells us, “Silicon Valley is Filled with Liars.” The write up begins by citing a TechCrunch dust-up about a certain party (if curious, see here, then follow up here), then goes on to say that her dishonest behavior is really not uncommon in the tech field.

O’Neill describes the types of common dishonest behavior he has observed, with categories like “Vanity Metrics”, “We’re killing it!”, and “X investors are committed.” See the article for more, and his comments about each. The piece concludes:

“Ultimately all these lies are essentially forms of embellishment. People stretch the truth. Yes, some people cross the line of flat out lying, like the girl Techcrunch pointed out, but it’s not exactly a surprising act to see given the culture of half-truths, name dropping, and hyping. Ultimately most people who stretch the truth frequently end up being caught. Just as often, they get away with their embellishing. One thing I’m certain of however is that catching this form of behavior doesn’t require a watch dog publication (i.e. Techcrunch) to ‘reveal’ these malevolent actors.

“That’s because too many people are guilty of such behavior. I’d argue it’s simply a byproduct of this aggressive culture.”

Well, maybe. . . but the same could be said of Wall Street. We all know how ignoring their bad behavior has panned out. Shining a light has to start somewhere.

Cynthia Murrell, September 14, 2012

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