Gleanster Report Gathers Best Practices in Agile BI
November 19, 2012
There are some new signposts along the road to getting the most return on business intelligence investments. The San Francisco Chronicle shares the post, “New Gleanster Research Reveals Best Practices in Agile Business Intelligence.” The research firm recently released a 38-page report which examines practices at 367 companies. The press release tells us:
“For major corporations, Agile BI tools can supplement their core BI initiatives, providing a friendlier front end that builds on existing investments. For smaller organizations, these tools may be the only ones they need.
“This Gleansight benchmark report examines how Top Performers are utilizing Agile BI to lower the barriers to better use of data. It looks at the technologies, organizational resources and performance metrics they have implemented and how they are achieving success in wiping away at least some of the challenges associated with effective business intelligence.”
The report is available here, but registration, and an agreement to receive marketing contact from third parties, is required. It might be worth the bother; the topics covered include the following: Reasons to Implement, Value Drivers, Challenges, Performance Metrics, Success Stories, and, last but not least, the Vendor Landscape. Vendor rankings, by the way, are based on feedback from industry practitioners, not from analysts.
Business tech information firm Gleanster keeps busy publishing white papers, case studies, and research reports from a variety of sources. They gather best practices and vendor information in order to give their clients an edge. The company is headquartered in Evanston, IL.
Cynthia Murrell, October 19, 2012
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