Fifteen Year Old Invents Information Filter App
January 18, 2013
Useful apps can be made by anyone, but Fast Company reported on how “This 15-Year-Old Built An App To Help His High School Debate Team. It Could Do Much More Than That.” Tanay Tandy invented an app he calls Clipped that was developed to extract information from news articles and other sources and create a bulleted list. It is being touted as a new tool that could put research assistants, Congressional aides, and judicial clerks out of work. Clipped has received mixed reviews so far, but Tandy is working on an upgrade that should resolve the problems.
Tandy personally created the algorithm for his debate prep. Here is how he uses it:
“I use it to scan over articles, and after using Clipped, if I like an article, I have to go back and read the whole thing. For a typical debate I have about 100 different evidence files about 2-3 pages in length. There might be an article where the title might sound appealing, but after running Clipped, I can see the focus of the article is definitely not what I’m looking for. Last year for a debate on animal rights, I found a paper on animal rights–but it was targeted towards the philosophical side of why to respect animal rights. But for that specific debate, I was looking for evidence from the scientific side, research showing that animals can think as much as humans.”
Tandy does not believe anyone is too young to launch a product as long as the right people are around and ego does not go to a person’s head. Tandy just built a tool to make his life easier and was not looking for fame, but now he has a project that will appeal to college review boards. Also Google might be keeping an eye on him for future jobs.
Whitney Grace, January 18, 2013
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