Only Fool Professors Stay In School

January 18, 2013

Students are told to stay in school, less their changes for success are diminished. But does that statement apply to teachers? According to Enterprise Efficiency’s David Wagner “Professors Don’t Need Schools Anymore.” It used to be the only way to get a good education was to attend a university, pay thousands of dollars in tuition, and wait two years before you were even allowed to start on core classes related to your major. These tasks revolved around a physical building, but now with Professor Direct students can access professors and classes for $49. Professors can charge more, but everything goes directly back to them. Schools are actually accepting these classes as credit.

Professors have the chance to make more money than an average university stipend, but there are some drawbacks. Students can’t get a degree directly from the professor and professors lose research support and prestige. The price alone will draw students, but this is the start of change in post-secondary education:

“Even if this alone doesn’t bring down the walls of the school, it is clear technology is going to bring the people with knowledge and expertise closer together. If you’re the CIO or president of a school, you’re going to have to find a way to keep putting yourself into the space or facilitating the contact between students and your own professors. If you fail, expect to be disintermediated.”

Is this good news or bad news? It depends on what side of the education creek you are on.

Whitney Grace, January 18, 2013

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